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Expo Volunteer

Volunteer at our Expo’s and Summits 2025

Are you interested in giving us a hand with set up either before or after the expo or helping out during the event?

We have volunteer positions for everything available.

Whatever skills you have, there’s a good chance we could use them.

Why Volunteer?

In exchange for working either before, during, or after the expo you will receive the following:

Free admission into the Expo

Free admission into (3) of our Live or Virtual Events of your choice

Volunteer Credit on Resume

Complimentary Gift

Be a part of making the expo happen!

To join the Volunteer Team, please fill out the form below.

    Demographic Information
    This information is confidential and will be used only to help us get a better idea of the demographic make-up of our volunteers.

    Race or Ethnicity
    WhiteAsianHispanic or LatinoBlack or African-AmericanAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeNative Hawaiian or other Pacific islander

    Volunteer Opportunities (Please Choose One) (Training will be provided)

    What dates are you available to volunteer? (All events are held on Tuesday)

    Volunteer Time Availability (Choose Multiple Times)
    I am available to work the following times:

    I have a physical handicap. I am willing to volunteer but I must be able to sit in a chair.